These are test configurations that have been conjectured at various times.


Agential Engineers Experiment Designs. Link Here

Research Proposal for Agential Engineers. PDF Here


Pans on Wire Test conjecture Sept. 22, 2024: download pdf here


Stynker” by Hector Lopez Lemus

This is an early attempt at implementing one guess as to how epistolution might work. So far it looks like it was a dead end. Since we discovered harmonic resonance I think we have a better research direction. If anyone is interested in an oscillators/use/disuse conjecture please contact me at for instructions for how to experiment with this implementation.

To read the journal progress of this implementation, click here.

 Epistolution From The Bottom Up: Click here to read a slide deck specifying the operations necessary to build AGI if the epistolution theory is correct.

Epistolution by Sam Goto

This is an implementation built by Sam Goto after a conversation over Google Meet with me. Sam and I became friends after some long and fascinating talks at the AGI 2021 conference, and he kindly reached out to me recently to help with the formalization of epistolution. You can access his live implementation here at his personal website. His implementation is incorrect, but it is a step in the right direction