Incomplete but new and interesting:

Theory of everything: This is a new rought draft manifesto from Mary Lin and I about epistolution. Totally unfinished but it includes a lot of new thought and creativity that is not available anywhere else.

Who cares about me: This is a technical refutation of the genes-first view of life. Alternately improved and discarded, rewritten, salvaged, renovated, cussed, and discussed. The problem is that there are so many problems with genes-first its hard to know where to start.

Deep Optimism: How to get an ought from an is: This is an essay aimed at explaining why epistolution is coterminous with morality and the talking octopuses can be trusted not to be dictators, existential risks for humanity, hopeful monsters, or escape risks.

Epistolution Musings

A series of short essays published as a weekly newsletter to my friends and correspondents, published weekly every Wednesday beginning 12/6/23.

Very Accessible Content

NOBLE Group Chapter Edit: An assignment to edit several thesis points for Denis Noble’s new upcoming book. This is my editorial take on how Denis’ thesis should summarize his own work. It uses much of his own language and factual support to build an argument of my own making. Published in the group Friday, July 28, 2023

NOBLE Group Intro: My point of view about the state of biological philosophy. Written April 25, 2023. Delivered May 2nd.

Adaptive Plasticity as Causal Inference: An essay on Medium detailing my criticism of the Extended Evolutionary Synthesis. First published Jan 21, 2023.

Epistolution for Kids: How God Makes Our Cells Work: The simplest possible starting place for the concept of epistolution. Also published on my YouTube Channel as “Epistolution for Kids.”

Correspondence with NG: Letter to Nate Gaylinn, Reply to Charlie, How to Test Problem-Finding, 2024-4-27 Reply to Charlie, and Test Criteria for Epistolution

Technical Journals and Proposals

Program of Study: Synchronizers: This is the journal of my halting progress toward testing epistolution in silico. Updated in an ongoing fashion.

Epistolution From The Bottom Up: This is a slide deck demonstrating the exact programming steps required to build an AGI, I guess. I built this deck in response to Sam Goto’s challenge that I was unable to formalize the concept of epistolution. I think I have done so here. I am intending to hire an engineer to build this program and then use it to experiment with larger and larger thinking systems. In it I define some new concepts more rigorously, like “epistevolver,” “stynker,” and “stryver.”

Essays Posted as Open Google Docs (email me if they are not open for comment)

How We Got Here: A journal of the conversation collaboration between myself and Richard A. Watson, 11/29/23

Letter Exchange w/ Art Woods: A dialogue w/ a physiological ecologist, typical attempt to communicate epistolution, 10/6/23

Letter to Richard Watson: A critical response to his Natural Induction Youtube series, 10/5/23

Letters to Sara Walker and others: Emails sent to researchers over the past few weeks, October, 2023

Letter to Nicholas Maxwell: A critical response to the evolution discussion in his book Our Fundamental Problem

Letter to Stephen Meyer: A critical response to an argument for intelligent design

The Ladder: A thorough guide to how to understand epistolution

Being is For Knowing: my personal story about how I found epistolution

Bad Lamarckism, Good Lamarckism: a breakdown of the situation in evolutionary biology

How God Makes Our Cells Work: The best layperson-friendly version of epistolution yet!

Clinging To Existence : About the relation between epistolution and evolution

Voter Trust: A conjecture about the future of democracy

Surrendering Agency: A Dialogue with Slim and Charlie: A discussion of the moral implications of epistolution

Notes on Causality: An introduction to the logical necessity of epistolution

How Does Epistolution Explain… : FAQs for the epistolution paper

The Upside-Down Theory of Evolution : an early articulation of niche theory

Creativity is Sensitivity to a Niche : an early version of epistolution

The Human Niche Project : a summary of a project

Dont Be Confused : an opinion piece about the insurrection at the Capitol

Chronic Disease : a case for solving the mystery of health in asynchrony IMPORTANT UNFINISHED PAPER

Why Do We Sleep : a discussion of the purpose of sleep

Script For Canebrake Charlie YouTube Videos

The Human Body Is A Guess : one page synopsis

The Human Body is A Guess : nine page synopsis

The Human Body is A Guess : full length version

Competitive Information and Equality : an unfinished essay

How to Build A Thinker : an aphoristic essay critiqued by Anna Viertel

Five Papers, Summarized : an incomplete list of important concepts

The Niche as Final Cause : a note, incomplete

Unpublished Books

The Human Body is a Guess


Jake the Talking Octopus

First Software Design w/ Beau Smith 11/3/21

PDF, Handwritten, or Email Transcript Letters

Letter to Henry Heng in review of Karyotype Theory, June 2024

Response to “Natural Induction” by Watson/Buckley, March 2023

Letter to Erik J. Larson, January 2023

Letters to Luther Munford, January 2023

Letters to Paul Kirst, December 2022

Paul Allen Prize Application : Letter of Intent 2022

Deep Mind Application Cover Letter : April 17, 2022

2nd Letter to Michael Levin: This letter was entitled “Sleep and Dreaming”

Letter to Michael Levin: This letter was about epistolution. He wrote me back and sent articles.

Letter to Russell Bonduriansky: This was an exchange where I failed to convince, but fruitful

Letters to The World: a Google doc transcript of some of my email letters to various researchers. RESTRICTED: EMAIL ME FOR ACCESS

Letter to Steven Strogatz

Letter to Ian McGilchrist

Letter to Jeff Hawkins

Letter to Denis Noble (one)

Letter of Thanks to Denis Noble

Letter of Thanks to David Deutsch

Papers Submitted for Publication See also Papers above ^ in the navigation bar

Epistolution: An Empirical Test for Holistic Causation in Biology Letter of Intent submitted to the Paul G. Allen Distinguished Investigator Award for Protein Lifespan February 25, 2022

Epistolution .AGI submitted to the Artificial General Intelligence conference (AGI 2021) July 7, 2021

Epistolution. Mic rough draft for submission to microbiology journals

Essays Posted to Medium See also Medium ^ above in the navigation bar

Deep Optimism: A summary of the philosophy of epistolution

Oscillators and Replicators

Solutions Conjectured By Epistolution

What are the chemical properties required for heredity?

Clinging To Existence

Letter to Mike Skiba

How Does Epistolution Explain Beauty?

How Does Epistolution Explain Hallucination and the Placebo Effect?

How Does Epistolution Explain Chronic Disease?

How Does Epistolution Explain Sleep?

How Does Epistolution Explain Morality?

How Does Epistolution Explain Lateralization?

What is Epistolution? The Best Elevator Pitch for this Theory NEW!!!

Epistolution: A Downward Causation Case Study

Criteria, Parameters, Assumptions

Why Can’t You Tickle Yourself?

Questions about Morality

Questions about Epistolution

Fermi’s Paradox


How to Build A Thinking Machine

Paper 4

Paper 3

Paper 2

Paper 1